Os dejamos la información en inglés del From The Vault: Twenty que saldrá en agosto de este año. Esta información está sacada directamente de la página de Wizards, para que sea más rápida de ver. En cuanto podamos os traducimos todos los datos para aquellos que les cueste un poquito el inglés.
Se va a reeditar 1 carta de cada año de Magic The Gathering de las que hayan participado en algún mazo que haya ganado un torneo ese año, así que puede ser un pack muy jugoso.
Aprovechad para reservar ya las unidades que queráis puesto que ya sabéis que es un producto muy limitado.
Twenty Proven Champions!
For the twentieth birthday of Magic: The Gathering, we've got a special twenty-card From the Vault! Draw on the power of twenty influential Magic cards to give your decks an edge. Each was a key part of a premier tournament-winning deck from each of the past twenty years. Now you can learn their secrets, harness their strengths, and use them to defeat your enemies!
Contents and Details
- Twenty premium foil cards, including some with new art.
- An exclusive Spindown life counter.
- A collector's guide.
- Each card has been printed using a foil process unique to the From the Vault series.
- The twenty cards are all printed in the current card frame. For some, it is for the first time.
- From the Vault: Twenty will be available worldwide in English only, and will have an extremely limited print run.
- All cards are black bordered and tournament legal. This means that these cards are legal for use in any tournaments where the original printings are still legal.
Please use the hashtag #FTV20 for discussing this product on Twitter!
Art by Izzy
Product Concept and Development Team: Gavin Verhey and Jeremy Jarvis
Release Date: August 23, 2013
Release Date: August 23, 2013
We aren't showing you what's inside, but that's coming soon! We might possibly have something special lined up for our panels at San Diego Comic Con and PAX Australia (keep an eye out for more info about what's going at each of these conventions).
What's inside this box? Well, In case you don't remember, here's what is inside this year's From the Vault: Twenty:
- Twenty premium foil cards, including some with new art.
- An exclusive Spindown life counter.
- A collector's guide.
- Each card has been printed using a foil process unique to the From the Vault series.
- The twenty cards are all printed in the current card frame. For some, it is for the first time.
- From the Vault: Twenty will be available worldwide in English only, and will have an extremely limited print run.
- All cards are black bordered and tournament legal. This means that these cards are legal for use in any tournaments where the original printings are still legal.
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